Wednesday, October 27, 2004

A thought about this year's presidential election

Say what you will about how this election will turn out, but it appears to me at this point that George W. Bush will be re-elected. A lot of this depends on turnout; the higher the turnout, the better Kerry's chances.

Here's an interesting question, though: could Bush's second term be significantly different than his first?

The reason I ask this is because I have this hunch that Bush wants the second term his dad never had. In fact, a lot of the things he's doing seem like his father's unfinished business. His dad was a very successful person, but George W. was always a bit of a failure. Look into his oil company, Arbuto was the name, I think. So it is my basic opinion that a lot of his policy has been run with the sole goal of ensuring his reelection.

If this is true, this could mean big changes for the Bush presidency part 2. Without having to worry about the politics of being the chief exec anymore, Bush can do all of the things he wants. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen. It is, at the very least, a cause for concern.

Spending under the Bush administration has gone up by over 7 points per year. That's *a lot* of extra spending. His second term could bring even more monolithic amounts of pork.

With Rep. John Linder (R-GA) guaranteed re-election [he is running unopposed, in my district, actually] and looking like a prime candidate as chair of the House Rules committee, we could be seeing some changes to the tax code. Rep. Linder is a staunch proponent of the so-called fair tax, so it is possible that the fair tax will get pushed to the floor of the House. I haven't read the fair tax proposal, so I won't bother to comment on it here. I'm probably going to schedule an appointment with Rep. Linder after the election if possible, as I'd like to discuss a few issues with him in person. If he's on the Rules committee and the Republicans maintain control of the House, there is absolutely no reason why they can't fix the tax system. Oh, wait... they only talk about tax code changes to pander to their base... That's right. They could have fixed it, but they didn't. Bastards.

I'll kick Linder's ass around, though. Purely for personal pleasure.


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