As I was walking around Tech today, I couldn't help but feel that I had been sucked into some surrealist world, that I was no longer in Kansas, but instead in a strange world of witches and wizards, angels and demons, priests and heretics...
The past few days there have been a lot of bake sales for a lot of different campus groups. From afar, I saw a sign of which I could only read two words: "for peace." Well, I thought, I will very certainly buy from this bake sale, as peace is something I truly do believe in. As I got closer, though, I realized that 1) it wasn't a bake sale, and 2) the tables belonged to the "GT Students for Israel." They had with them copies of the book The Case For Israel, but I didn't want one of those. I fail to see how a nation who's military fires indiscriminantly into crowds with riot gear, guns, and even helicopters. [I should note here that in this particular case, with the helicopter, there was a fair target being shot at. However, many innocents were injured. It would seem obvious to me that you can't fire two missiles into a crowd of people, at least not if you want to call yourself peaceful. I should also state, for the record, that I do not support Palestinian militants, or militants of any kind, except when in direct response to violence. I'm going to avoid getting into a long conversation about Israel at this point, though...] An organization devoted to peace in the Middle East shouldn't be so one-sided. But I digress...
Past them on the walk was a table for the College Democrats. Hooray for John Kerry, they say. Well, the table was being staffed by the guy who said to be, "John Kerry is a douchebag." Hmm... He sure was giving away a lot of those Kerry stickers. Come on, everybody, John Kerry has a plan! He's going to make health care even worse for the low cost of only hundreds of billions of dollars! He'll also make sure we help spread democracy to the world and saddle our children with the trillions of dollars of debt. We can help pay that off by freezing the assets of the dramatically increasing numbers of terrorists attacking us, so the plan all works out economically. It's good to know that John Kerry has a plan. Oh, wait, he wants to tax the rich, which somehow got the definition of anybody making more than $200,000 per year. That number is conveniently above the pay for Senators, which is what... about $150,000, right? That's right, folks, John Kerry isn't rich, he's an ordinary, everyday fellow. Please ignore the fact that he married into wealth. Twice. Let's also ignore that his wife was previously married to another prominent government figure. Hell, let's just totally ignore the fact that there are so many family ties within our government nowadays that it's beginning to look like a monarchy. It's not a problem, don't worry about it!
I'm just so fucking frustrated right now. I can't put a thought together, I can't make an argument, I just want to start screaming at people. It is so apparent to me, so ridiculous, and I find it all rather transparent. The people of the United States are no longer in control of their government, the government is in control of us. Do you not see it? Is it not clear to you?
...and now, according to a time poll, 56% of Americans want to abolish the electoral college, effectively moving politics only to large cities. Nobody seems to realize that democracy is bad and we have a representative system to protect us from the tyranny of the majority. No, no, no, let's get rid of the electoral college. That will most certainly help destroy any relevance third parties could have. Then the only thing left to do is start arresting people who speak out against the government and we'll be nice and safe.
Thoughts running together too quickly. I give up. This mess is nearly impossible to fix, so I'm just going to assume that it's unfixable. From now on, I'll just be angry, as my persuasiveness seems to be minimal.