Wednesday, November 03, 2004

How could this happen?

At this point, I'm going to assume that Bush is going to win. I could be wrong, but I'm going with that assumption.

So how could this happen? How could a guy with Bush's record - which is absolutely awful - get reelected? His approval is below 50%. Most people disagree with him on a large number of issues. This election should have been a CAKEWALK for the Democrats...

...but they've basically lost the House. They've lost the Senate. They've lost the Presidency. (Note: this blog contains forward looking statements. hehehe...) How?!?

The Democrats gave up on what they are good at. They gave up on gays, minorities, the environment. They gave up on Howard Dean. They gave up on the interesting, motivating, and controversial elements in their party. They went into an election where a majority of Americans thought that we should have a new president with a candidate they chose solely because they felt he could beat Bush one on one... and lost.

What's the answer? Is it what I eluded to above? Have the Democrats abandoned their former base?

At this point, I'm too tired to come up with a real answer. I'm too tired to come up with a theory. I'm just pissed - but not surprised - that all of these states are banning gay marriage. I'm pissed that nobody has even mentioned Michael Badnarik, despite the fact that his numbers are right in line with Ralph Nader's (trailing 325k vs 292k at this point) and he's on more state ballots.

Anyway, the Republicans are back in control in a big way. God help us. More later.


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